List Of 13 Free Backlink Checker Tools in 2023

Backlinks are an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. They help your website rank higher in search engines, drive more traffic to your pages, and increase your online visibility.

But how do you know which websites are linking back to yours? That’s where backlink checker tools come in handy!

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top 13 free backlink checker tools that can give you valuable insights into your website’s link profile.

So grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive in!


Moz is a well-known name in the world of SEO and backlink analysis. It offers a wide range of tools that can help you improve your website’s search engine rankings by analyzing its backlinks profile.

One of the standout features of Moz is its Link Explorer tool, which provides comprehensive metrics for any website or page’s link profile.

This includes information on the number and quality of backlinks, anchor text usage, and spam score.

Moz also offers tools like Keyword Explorer for keyword research, Page Optimization for on-page optimization suggestions, and Site Crawl for technical SEO audit reports.

One unique aspect of Moz is its “Domain Authority” metric which predicts how well a specific domain will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It takes into account various factors such as the number and quality of incoming links to a website among other things.

With its suite of powerful SEO tools, Moz remains an excellent choice for anyone looking to analyze their website’s backlink profile and improve their overall search engine visibility.


Majestic is a powerful backlink checker tool that has been around since 2004.

It boasts one of the largest link indices on the web, with over a trillion URLs, crawled and indexed. This means that you can be sure to get comprehensive data on the backlinks pointing to your website.

One of Majestic’s standout features is its Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics.

These metrics provide an indication of how trustworthy and authoritative the websites linking to your site are.

The higher these scores, the more valuable those links are likely to be.

Majestic also allows you to analyze anchor text usage across different sites, giving you insights into how your competitors are using keywords in their link building strategies.

Another useful feature offered by Majestic is its bulk backlink checker tool.

With this feature, you can easily check multiple domains for backlinks at once, making it a great time-saver for SEO professionals working with large volumes of data.

If you’re looking for a reliable and powerful free backlink checker tool that provides comprehensive data on your website’s backlink profile, then Majestic is definitely worth checking out.


Ahrefs is an excellent tool for checking backlinks, keyword analysis and competitor research.

It has a vast database of over 12 trillion links, updated regularly to provide you with the most up-to-date data on your website’s performance.

One of the main features of Ahrefs is its Site Explorer tool, which allows you to see all incoming and outgoing links for any domain or URL.

This feature helps in identifying link-building opportunities and finding potential harmful backlinks that could be hurting your site’s ranking.

Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer provides users with in-depth information about specific keywords such as search volume, difficulty level, and top-ranking pages.

This information can help in planning content creation strategies to target high-value keywords efficiently.

Another great feature of Ahrefs is its Content Explorer tool which allows users to find popular topics related to their niche by searching through millions of articles online.

It provides insights into what type of content performs well in terms of social shares and organic traffic so that users can create highly engaging content accordingly.

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool that combines multiple features essential for optimizing websites’ overall performance effectively.

SEO Spyglass

SEO Spyglass is another powerful free backlink checker tool that you can use to analyze your website’s backlinks.

With its user-friendly interface, SEO Spyglass provides an in-depth analysis of your competitor’s link profile and helps you identify potential link building opportunities.

One of the key features of SEO Spyglass is its ability to provide comprehensive data on each individual backlink, including important metrics such as domain authority, page authority, anchor text, and more.

This allows you to easily evaluate the quality of your site’s backlinks and determine which ones may be hurting your search engine rankings.

In addition to analyzing individual links, SEO Spyglass also provides a detailed overview of your overall backlink profile.

This includes information on the total number of links pointing to your site, as well as a breakdown by type (e.g., dofollow vs nofollow) and anchor text distribution.

If you’re looking for an effective free backlink checker tool that offers comprehensive insights into both your own website’s link profile and those of your competitors, then SEO Spyglass is definitely worth checking out.


Linkody is a backlink checker tool that has gained popularity among SEO professionals due to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. With Linkody, users can easily track the performance of their backlinks and monitor the quality of their website’s links.

One standout feature of Linkody is its ability to automatically notify users when they gain or lose a link. This saves time and ensures that website owners are always aware of any changes in their backlink profile.

Another useful feature is the ability to analyze competitor backlinks. By analyzing what links competitors have, Users can identify potential opportunities for link building and improve their own SEO strategy.

Linkody also offers detailed reports on anchor texts, referring domains, and top linked pages. This information allows users to understand which types of content are performing well and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Linkody provides valuable insights into a website’s backlink profile without overwhelming users with complicated data. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for beginners while still offering powerful features for advanced SEO professionals.

Monitor Backlinks is a powerful and versatile tool that helps you track your backlink profile and keep an eye on your competitors. With this free backlink checker, you can easily monitor the link-building strategies of your rivals and discover new opportunities to improve your own website’s authority.

One of the most impressive features of Monitor Backlinks is its ability to automatically send you notifications whenever a new backlink is added or removed from your site. This makes it easy to stay on top of any changes in your link profile, so you can quickly respond if there are any negative impacts.

Another great aspect of this tool is its user-friendly interface. Even if you’re not very technically savvy, Monitor Backlinks makes it simple to navigate through all the different settings and options available. Plus, with detailed analytics reports and customizable alerts, it’s easy to get real-time insights into how well your SEO strategy is working.

Monitor Backlinks offers a wealth of functionality for anyone looking to improve their online presence through effective link-building tactics. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, this free backlink checker tools will help you stay ahead of the competition!


SEMrush is a well-known name in the world of digital marketing, and for good reason. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that cover everything from SEO to PPC advertising, social media management, content creation, and more.

One of the standout features of SEMrush is its backlink analysis tool. With this tool, you can easily track your website’s backlinks and monitor any changes in your link profile over time. You can also use it to research your competitors’ backlinks and identify opportunities to build high-quality links.

Another useful feature of SEMrush is its site audit tool. This tool scans your website for technical issues that could be harming your search engines rankings, such as broken links, duplicate content, missing meta tags, and more. It then provides you with actionable recommendations on how to fix these issues.

SEMrush also has an impressive keyword research tool that allows you to find new keywords to target based on search volume data and competition levels. You can even see which keywords are driving traffic to your competitors’ websites so you can try to outrank them.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one digital marketing platform that includes powerful backlink checker tools among other features -SEM rush might just be what you need!

Neil Patel, a well-known digital marketer and SEO expert, has created his own backlink checker tool. This free tool allows users to analyze their website’s backlinks and identify any potential issues.

One of the key features of Neil Patel’s Backlink Checker is its ability to provide detailed information about each individual backlink. Users can see the domain authority and page authority of each linking site, as well as the anchor text used in the link.

Another useful feature is the option to filter results based on various criteria such as dofollow vs nofollow links or new vs lost links. This helps users focus on specific aspects of their backlink profile that may need improvement.

Neil Patel’s Backlink Checker provides a user-friendly interface with comprehensive data analysis tools for anyone looking to improve their website’s search engine rankings through effective link building strategies.


SmallSEOTools is a free online tool that offers over 100 SEO tools to help website owners and marketers optimize their sites for search engines. One of the most popular tools on SmallSEOTools is its backlink checker, which allows users to quickly check how many backlinks their site has.

In addition to the backlink checker, SmallSEOTools also provides other useful SEO tools such as plagiarism checker, keyword position tracker, domain age checker, and more. These tools can be used by anyone regardless of skill level or experience in SEO.

One thing that sets SmallSEOTools apart from other similar tools is its user-friendly interface. The platform is easy to navigate and all the features are clearly labeled and accessible from one place. This makes it easier for users to find what they need without wasting time searching through menus or struggling with complicated settings.

If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use free backlink checker tool along with various other helpful SEO resources, then SmallSEOTools could be an excellent option for you!


SERPstat is a powerful and versatile SEO tool that offers various features, including keyword research, site audit, backlink analysis, competitor analysis, and more. One of its notable strengths is its ability to provide in-depth data on organic search results.

With SERPstat’s Rank Tracker feature, you can track your website’s ranking for specific keywords over time. Additionally, their Keyword Research tool provides detailed information about any given keyword such as its search volume, competition level and related keywords.

Another useful feature of SERPstat is its Site Audit tool which allows you to check the overall health of your website by identifying technical issues like broken links or missing tags. With this valuable insight into the technical aspects of your site, you can make necessary improvements to boost your site’s performance.

Furthermore, Serpstat offers an extensive database of backlinks from different sources enabling users to analyze their own backlinks as well as those of their competitors. This helps identify potential opportunities for link building or areas where improvements are needed.

SERPstat is a comprehensive SEO tool that delivers actionable insights allowing businesses to improve their online presence effectively.


Sitechecker is a free backlink checker tool that provides users with valuable information about their website’s backlink profile. With this tool, you can easily analyze your website’s links and discover new opportunities for link building.

One of the most notable features of Sitechecker is its ability to provide detailed information about each individual link. You can see the anchor text, target URL, referring domain, and other important metrics for every link on your site.

Sitechecker gives you an overall score based on the quality of your backlinks. This score takes into account factors such as authority and relevance to help you understand how well your website is performing in terms of SEO.

Another helpful aspect of Sitechecker is its competitor analysis feature. By analyzing the backlink profiles of your competitor’s websites, you can identify potential sources for new links and gain insight into their overall SEO strategy.

Sitechecker is a useful tool for anyone looking to improve their website’s search engine rankings through effective link building strategies.

LinkMiner is a comprehensive backlink checker tool with an intuitive interface. It allows you to find broken links, analyze the strength of your backlinks and get insights on your competitors’ link-building strategies.

One of its unique features is the “Competitor Links” section which lets you see all the external links pointing toward your competitor’s website.

This gives you an opportunity to identify potentially high-quality websites for link building.

Another feature that sets LinkMiner apart from other tools is its ability to calculate metrics like Citation Flow and Trust Flow. These metrics help in analyzing the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing toward a specific domain or page.

LinkMiner is an excellent free tool for those who want to perform a quick analysis of their own website or their competitor’s website without spending any money on premium subscriptions.

Check My Links is another free backlink checker tool that you can use to check the links on your website. This tool is simple and easy to use, as it checks all of the links on a particular webpage in just one click.

With Check My Links, you’ll be able to identify any broken or dead links on your website quickly.

It’s also great for checking external links, so if you want to ensure that every outbound link from your site works correctly, this is an excellent option.


These 13 free backlink checker tools are essential for anyone who wants their website or blog to rank higher in search engines.

By using them regularly, you’ll be able to keep track of your link profile and improve its quality over time.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SEO expert, make sure that you take advantage of these tools and start analyzing your backlinks today!

A backlink checker tool is an essential part of any SEO strategy. It helps you to easily identify which websites are linking to your website and allows you to make informed decisions about how best to improve the value of those links.

With this list of 13 free backlink checker tools in 2023, you have all the information you need to get started on optimizing your website’s link profile for better search engine rankings.

Is there a free tool for checking backlinks?

Yes, there are several free tools available for checking backlinks. One such tool is the Backlink Checker by Ahrefs.

This tool allows you to check up to 100 backlinks per report and provides a comprehensive analysis of each link including its URL, domain rating, anchor text, and more.

Another popular option is the Open Site Explorer by Moz.

This tool also provides detailed information about backlinks including their source URL, page authority score, and anchor text. However, it only allows you to view a limited number of links without upgrading to a paid subscription.

Other free options include Google Search Console which lets you see all the websites linking to your site along with their domain ratings.

Linkody which offers basic metrics like citation flow and trust flow for any given website, and Monitor Backlinks which helps you keep track of new backlinks as they appear.

Ultimately, while these free tools may not provide all the data that comes with premium versions or competitors in this market space (e.g., SEMrush), they can still be an extremely valuable resource for those looking to improve their SEO strategy on a budget!

Does Google have a backlink checker?

Yes, Google does have a backlink checker. It is called Google Search Console and it allows website owners to track their site’s performance in the search results pages.

Within the console, there is a section called “Links” which displays a list of all the websites that are linking to your site.

This information can be used to identify high-quality links and potential opportunities for outreach or collaboration with other sites.

Additionally, webmasters can use this tool to disavow any low-quality or spammy links that may be harming their site’s ranking in the search results pages.

What is Tier 1 backlinks?

Tier 1 backlinks refer to high-quality links that are directly pointing to your website from authoritative and reputable sources.

These backlinks come from websites with strong domain authority, high-quality content, and a good reputation in the eyes of search engines like Google.

These types of backlinks can significantly impact your website’s visibility, ranking, and traffic.

They signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and relevant in its niche or industry.

Tier 1 backlinks also send valuable referral traffic to your website, increasing its exposure among potential customers.

Some examples of Tier 1 sources for backlinking include popular blogs within your industry or niche, government sites (.gov), educational institutions (.edu), news outlets (such as, and established social media accounts with large followings.

Overall, securing Tier 1 backlinks requires strategic planning, solid relationship-building skills with other webmasters or bloggers in your industry/niche, regular updates on quality content creation/optimization efforts on-site/off-site optimization techniques such as guest posting or link outreach campaigns, etc.

How many backlinks per day?

The number of backlinks you should aim to acquire per day depends on various factors such as the age and authority of your website, the competitiveness of your industry, and the quality of the backlinks.

Generally, it’s recommended to focus on building high-quality backlinks that are relevant to your niche rather than a specific daily quota.

While there is no set number for how many backlinks you should acquire per day, most SEO experts suggest starting with a goal of acquiring 5-10 high-quality links each week.

This allows for steady growth without triggering any red flags with search engines.

Keep in mind that quantity alone won’t necessarily improve your website’s ranking – quality is key.

A few high-authority links from reputable sources can be more valuable than dozens of low-quality links from spammy websites.

Do backlinks improve ranking?

Yes, backlinks do improve ranking. The more high-quality websites that link to your website, the higher your search engine ranking will be.

This is because search engines view backlinks as a sign of credibility and authority. When other websites link to yours, they are essentially vouching for the quality and relevance of your content.

However, not all backlinks are created equal. Search engines also consider the quality and relevance of the linking website when evaluating the impact of a backlink on rankings.

Backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche or industry are seen as more valuable than those from low-quality or irrelevant sites.

Are backlinks legal?

Yes, backlinks are legal. Backlinks are simply links from one website to another and there is no law or regulation that prohibits this practice.

However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are created equal. Some types of backlinks, such as paid links or links from low-quality spam websites, can actually harm a website’s search engine rankings and violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

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